EMFA Under the Spotlight: Towards a Common Regulatory Framework to Foster Media Pluralism? a cura di Elda Brogi (Indice)


  • Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto



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La sezione monografica "EMFA Under the Spotlight: Towards a Common Regulatory Framework to Foster Media Pluralism?" a cura di Elda Brogi ospiterà, in questo fascicolo, i contributi di:

Elda Brogi (Introduction); Session I - Erik Longo (EMFA Legal Basis); Sofia Verza (What is journalism in the digital age? Key definitions in the European Media Freedom Act); Ottavio Grandinetti (The Notion of Media Pluralism in EMFA); Luigi Malferrari, Maria Luce Mariniello (Article 4: Rights of Media Service Providers); Danielle Borges (Media Ownership Transparency); Jan Kermer (National Measures Affecting Media Service Providers); Antonio Manganelli (Media plurality test); Liliana Ciliberti (t.b.d.); Session II - Enrico Albanesi (Safeguards for the Independent Functioning of Public Service Media Providers); Giovanni Gangemi (Audience measurement); Federica Casarosa (Dispute resolution in EMFA); Matteo Monti (A Missing Piece in the DSA Puzzle? Article 18 EMFA and the Media Privilege); Pier Luigi Parcu (Monitoring Exercise); Matteo Trevisan (The institutional framework of the European Media Freedom Act); Roberta Carlini (Market power and attention power. Assessing the risks for media pluralism deriving from concentration of ownership); Tanja Kersevan (Media Market Concentrations: Tackling EMFA Enforcement Challenges. A comparative perspective)





Sezione monografica - EMFA Under the Spotlight

Come citare

2024. EMFA Under the Spotlight: Towards a Common Regulatory Framework to Foster Media Pluralism? a cura di Elda Brogi (Indice). Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto. 6, 2 (Jul. 2024). DOI:https://doi.org/10.32091/.